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8 foods to increase red blood cells count

 A low red blood cell count, 

medically called anemia may leave you feeling tired, cold, and irritable. If anemia is left untreated for a long period, it may cause damage to your brain and heart. While there may be many causes for a decrease in red blood cell production, inadequate intake of certain nutrients may be one of them. 

When the body is not producing enough red blood cells, then eating a diet that regulates and increase the production of red blood cells is a useful way to stay healthy. Here are eight foods that increase red blood cell counts.

1. Pomegranates

pomegranates are the best nourishing food. Pomegranate seeds, which look like red pressure stones, are also high in iron. Red meat can help increase blood count. Pomegranates are also abundant with vitamins, allowing you to gain a certain amount of resistance and power, and struggle with platinum-related health diseases such as dangle fever. 

 2. Beetroot

Beetroot is a wonderful supporting vegetable for liver health, which improves zinc and copper levels in the liver cells. Zinc and copper levels control red blood cell levels in the blood. It supplies proper circulation of oxygen in the body and also helps against restlessness and insomnia.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are enriched in vitamin C along with lycopene.

Take one cup of tomato juice daily or add more tomatoes to your prepared foods and salads. Eating the extra amount of tomatoes in food is also dangerous because it is the main cause of making calcium oxalate  as a result which produces kidney stones in the kidney, so maintain a balance in eating tomatoes 

4. Nuts

Nuts are loaded with iron and can help your body rebuild what it has lost. Consuming a handful of nuts is an incredible way to get the iron you require. Similarly boosting one's iron and folic acid levels, nuts are healthful for you in several other ways.

5. Raisins

Raisins are high in iron, copper, and B-complex vitamins, all of which are necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Regular consumption of raisins helps cure iron shortage anemia and stimulates blood clotting during wound healing.

6. Pumpkin 

Pumpkin seeds provide about eight milligrams of iron along with sufficient calcium, magnesium, and manganese content. Sprinkle them on salads or combine them into smoothies. Make use of these little delights anywhere you'd want to.

7. Dates

This intensely sweet dried food is packed with energy and is super in nutrients . Nourishing dates provide sample sources of iron that increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. However, most doctors recommend that diabetics avoid eating dates due to their high sugar content.

8. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables like cabbage, spinach, and broccoli boost the iron levels in the body, due to which there is a significant increase in the levels of hemoglobin, which in turn increases the production of red blood cells.

Green vegetables not only increase the iron range in the body but also provide essential nutrients to the body, which maintains the body fit and healthy.
